Ana Axpe, Alexandre Bianchini, Christian Bili, Zuleika Boumghar, Virginie Burnier, Das Butcher, Mourad Cherait, Fabien Clerc, Doctor Fulci and the Undead Virgins, Vidya Gastaldon, Greta Gratos, Herve Graumann, Fabio Jaramillo, Klat, The Living Dead Boys, Balthazar Lovay, Elena Montesinos, Laurent Pache, The Paranormals, Mai-Thu Perret, Mass, Frederic Post, Nachtwelt, Nathalie Rebholz, Riond (Les Films à la Con), Carnage Lee Roy, Schonwehrs//, Laure Schwarz, Pierre Vadi, Caroline Vitelli, Nicolas Wagnieres, Waterlilly & Pol, Wild Guy, Emile Zile, Zomboloid

Curated by Elena Montesinos

Du 07 octobre au 29 octobre 2005

(about why the zombies continue to congregate around the shopping mall)
Fran: What are they doing ? Why do they come here ?
Steven: Instinct, memory. This was an important place in their lives…